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Bees in a bird house

People often keep birds as pets or rear different kinds of birds as a hobby and for show purposes. Whatever the reason that people keep birds, they most often have an enclosed area out of doors where the birds can live as close to the wild as this kind of encampment will allow.

The owner of the birds will provide nesting facilities in which the birds can lay their eggs, these often take the shape of wooden boxes with a round hole attached to the empty birdhouse makes a lovely hive

Bees will undoubtedly be attracted to this kind of accomodation, it is quiet, seldom if ever disturbed, and there is only one entrance, there will be plants and water for the birds so this kind of spot looks ideal.

If you find that a colony of bees has decided to turn one of your bird boxes into a hive, do not remove it yourself, rather give us a call and we will remove it safely. Do not under any circumstances try to poison or burn the bees don't even spray them with water. As much as bees serve us with honey production and pollination of crops, an angry bee is not likely to want to make friends.

Click here to have one of our experienced bee removers to catch your bees and safely relocate them.

Call us now on 011 362 2904


Poison is not really an option

Some people may feel that since the bees are clustered in an easy to reach place and there is only one entrance it will be easy to poison the bees. This sounds like a quick solution, and even though you may kill a few bees with the first spray of the can, you will anger a whole lot more and will quite possibly find yourself being severely by some angry bees. There are also further reaching implications of poisoning the bees, besides possibly getting stung you will be poisoning the area and other insects will be killed. If the poison is of the sorth that lingers or leaves a residue, you will be doing hrm to the birds that try to use your bird house. Having the bees professionally and humanely removed will be your best option.


This page was last updated on 24 November 2014.