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removing bees near a schoolBees in schools

It is a mystery to us why so many schools have problems with bees, possibly because children explore every corner of the property and if there is a hive, they manage to hit a cricket ball into it. We see a disproportionate number of bee removals at schools, particularly nursery schools where the children are most at risk. Trying to remove bees yourself is dangerous, please don't send your gardener with a can of doom to kill a swarm of bees- it is not good for the bees and it will not be good for your poor gardener. In 2012 a number of people were killed by bees, notably one of them at a school. Need we say more?

Right: a photo of one of our bee removers taking honeycomb out of a water meter box next to a school. The bees have already been removed, only a few stragglers left, here he is scraping the comb from the lid.

References: Bees and children in the news

While bees are considered a danger to pupils, this is indeed only the case if they are disturbed or angered. Bees also provide an excellent learning opportunity through allowing the pupils to observe and note what they see the bees doing.

A different take on bees in schools

It seems that when bees are swarming or busy building hives near class rooms or on playground equipment they can certainly be considered potentially dangerous and children should be kept away from them. But certain educational bodies, particularly in England have decided that keeping bees on the premises at school will be a benefit to both bees and to schoolchildren.

The importance of keeping bees alive and what bees do can be brought home to the children through interactive lessons and the bees will be able to live in a safe environment. Educators and those concerned with the well-being of bees will be able to ensure that every effort is made to preserve bees for the future.


Updated on 24 November 2014