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Bees on trampolines

It may seem like an unlikely place for bees to make their hives but trampolines make nice hives. On the right is a photo of a small clump of bees attached to the springs of a trampoline. The client was very vigilent and called us to remove the bees before his children had a chance to play on the trampoline. Unfortunately bees don't find bouncing on trampolines as fun as children do and may get upset and possibly dangerous.

It is not unusual for bees to make their homes in childrens playgrounds. Wendy houses often have bees in the floorboards or even under the roof. We have seen plenty of bees in schools, which we remove as a priority for 2 reasons:

  1. Children are not aware of the danger posed by bees
  2. If a child is stung by a bee then that child is unlikely to have a favourable opinion on bees later in life.

It is also not uncommon to find bees in childrens doll houses that are left outside. Fortunately most children old enough to play with a doll house is also old enough to alert an adult of bees squatting in their doll house!

In the event of finding bees on a trampoline or any other childrens playthings, please call us and we will remove the bees for you. Note that all bees removed are rehived on farms.

Last updated on 25 January 2016