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Honey Bee Removal
Bees in January
It may seem harmless at first, but our South African honey bee (Apis Mellifera Scutellata) are industrious little creatures, they will settle and will quickly start to expand, building honeycomb and claiming the territory as their own. If this happened in secluded areas where there were no humans, children or pets it would be as nature intended it, unfortunately bees choose to make there hives all around our communities and this can be dangerous to our children and pets. If bees have taken up residence in or around your property do not hesitate to contact us for advice on how to best deal with the safe removal of the bees for both us and them. Bees in DecemberDecember in South Africa is probably the warmest month in the year, and the warmth and rainfall will cause plants to grow and bloom in abundance, in addition to this it is a holiday month and people will be spending a lot of time out of doors. From picnics to trips to the beach or just sitting on the patio having a lazy lunch or a cool drink. With the garden in bloom and the abundance of sweet smelling food and drink, you will undoubtedly attract a few bees. Don't be alarmed, they will not sting unless you do something to make them feel the need to protect themselves, and they probably haven't settled the colony in your garden. These are probably just bees out foraging that came across the appetising scent of what you were eating or drinking. Should a bee land on your cooldrink can or anywhere near you, do NOT flap your hand at it to try and make it go away, if the bee feels threatened it may sting you as a defence. Rather allow it to sit for a few seconds and when it flies off remove or cover the items that are attracting it. Always bear in mind that bees do not fly around looking for someone to sting, stinging causes the sting to rip out of their bodies and they die, it is the final attempt at protecting themselves or their colony. If bees have migrated to your garden and you would like them to be removed, play it safe and have a professional do the removing. A good bee remover will not kill the bees but rather relocate them to an area where they can forage without causing alarm or distress.
Who do I call to arrange for an experienced bee remover to visit my property and remove bees We remove unwanted bees in Johannesburg, and sometimes further afield covering most of Gauteng. Call us now on 082 655 3463Why do you have bees? Find out more about bee removers Bees seek out spaces capable of accomodating their hives, sometimes
flying great distances when relocating, even forming special 'bivouacs'
at temporary stop off points by linking their bodies together to create
a structure around the queen. Bees swarm
around a queen, building their hives to protect the queen and nurture
the young she produces. Call us now on 082 655 3463
When that perfect spot the bees are looking for happens to be under your stairs or in the eaves of your building you are going to come into conflict with a robust species perfectly capable of defending itself and would be well advised to call in The Bee Team. Safety first, and considering the environment being the priority it is these days it makes sense to ask a beekeeper with the necessary knowledge to remove bees for you. How does experience and safety procedures affect Bee Removal?Bee removal in Johannesburg has never been eaiserWord of thanks 19 November 2013Hi Thank you for the good service and response by your team. Kind regards, (Rivonia, Johannesburg) Testimonial 28 October 2013On the discovery of a beehive in our water meter enclosure, I completed an on-line enquiry to The Bee Team. Imagine my surprise when within 5 minutes of pressing the send button, I received a call from The Bee Team saying they could be there within the hour!.... what incredible service! As I am only 7km from home I said I would meet them there.... they even beat me to my house, and indeed had started removal before I arrived!.... about 30 minutes later job done no harm to anyone, and the bees removed harmlessly ready for relocation. Job well done, professionally and politely..... should I need bee removal service again, I know who I will be calling! Peter Edwards Testimonial 15 January 2013Hi Craig, Peter was here today to remove the bees between no 19 and 20! I've now met 2 of your team members . What an awesome team - I have so much respect for all of the work you do to save our environment. I had to leave before Peter was done and really sad to have had to do this! I seem to be hooked on the wonderful life of our bee world. Thank you so much for an awesome service. Kind Regards Taking all the necessary tools as well as the care and precautions
one learns in the beekeeping trade on to a site in the South of Gauteng
Province, where bee infestations are common, or to one of the large
number of locations from which we have removed bees in Cape Town and
Durban, to remove a hive of bees is exciting work. The option of poisoning or exterminating bees is unacceptable to knowledgeable people because bee removal and relocation to a safe environment is environmentally responsible. It is a healthier option too considering the absence of the toxic chemicals used by exterminators in days gone by. Disposing of a hive of bees without bringing harm to the environment is a satisfying result in itself but the cost effectiveness of thinking like a beekeeper means that astronomical pest control bills can be avoided in the case of bee infestations by calling on the age old craft, science and art of the beekeeper. The Bee Team is registered with the Department of Agriculture to deal with bees in the daily running of our business. We are bee removers and bee-keepers which puts us in the unique position of knowing how bees behave under various circumstances. This is why we have added public liability insurance to the value of R2 million to our existing insurance package. This does not mean we are any less safety concious than before, SAFETY is our always our first consideration when dealing with bees. If you want to read about how NOT to remove bees, visit our How Not To Remove Bees webpage. Why are some bees dangerous and others not?Most bees are reluctant to sting. Sometimes there are things that people do which upsets a hive and causes them to become aggressive. Common reasons why bees become aggressive
Bee stings
Most people are not allergic to bee stings. For those people who are allergic to bee stings it is extremely dangerous to be stung and handling or approaching bees should be avoided at all costs. Even if you are not allergic to bee stings it is not advisable to handle more than a few bees without protective equipment. On the right is a photo of a person's hand the day after being stung by an African bee. How to remove a bee stingA bee's sting has tiny barbs on it which cause the sting to remain behind in your skin. The poison sac remains attached to the sting after the bee has stung you and if you look closely it appears to be pumping more venom into the sting site. DO NOT grab and pull the sting to remove it. If you place pressur on the sac you will force more venom into the wound. Rather use a flat-edged object like an ATM card or a knife and lightly scrape the sting out in the direction from which it was delivered.Call us now on
Other Bee removal servicesWe are based in Johannesburg but we are very much aware of the fact that places like Cape Town have an abundance of flora, all dependant on bees to pollinate them, so the chances of bees making themselves at home in a place that may prove inconvenient are quite high. Fellow bee removal service, BeeGone are the people in the Cape to contact if need to have a bee colony removed. The will do it effectively and humanely. Why we relocate beesIt would seem that in Britain, the allotments, spaces on which fruit and vegetable planting is done by local residents for their benefit, are indeed becoming a haven for bees. During the summer period in Britain, more bees were spotted in allotments than in parks and gardens. This is a good indication that bees are seeking out the solitude and the freshness of the allotments. Could it also be nature rallying her troops to help pollinate gardens for food and at same time provide the bees with enough sustenance to help keep bee numbers up. This then is a good motivator to not kill bees if a swarm settles in your garden or you discover an unwanted nest. We have all been made aware of the important role that bees play in the continued survival of mankind. If you wish to remove bees from your property an ethical bee remover will be the best person for the job. As bee removal experts we pride ourselves on removing the bees while doing them as little harm as possible and rehiving them in a place where forage is abundant, a farm or a property with abundant open space. All pretty much like keeping bees on an allotment. The British Bee-keepers association also noted that only one in 10 hives perished during the same period in 2014 as compared to nearly a third in 2013. Bees in strange placesWe see bees in strange places and we thought it would be informative to share this with you. Below is a list of some of the most common places that we find bees:
What about strange bees?There are a large number of bee species, most of which we will never get to see but there are a few that find their way into our neighbourhoods, by chance or by accident, and it's always interesting to see a bee we havent come across before. Click here to see the different bees we find as we go. This page was last updated on 25 January 2016 Buy OnlineWe now sell some of our products and equipment online though Bid or Buy, our items for sale (if there are any) are listed in the block below.
We are a proud member of The Bee Removal Associtation of South Africa